Protein Capture Science is a privately held company in Columbus, Ohio.

Protein Capture Science was founded in 2018 by experts in protein purification and product development. The company is focused on developing and commercializing a self-cleaving tag platform for proteins and protein fragments purification for R&D and manufacturing applications. The iCapTag™ was designed as a single platform which can be used from early discovery, R&D to manufacturing.

This platform was originally developed and patented by Dr. David W. Wood and his team at the Ohio State University (see pictures below). It is a result of over 20 years of research in that field and strong collaboration with experts in protein purification field in the U.S. and Europe.

A Special Thanks Goes to
Extraordinary Team of Graduate Students at the Ohio State University

Photographs by Matthew Schutte at the Ohio State University

Management Team

Izabela Gierach, Ph.D., MBA
Co-Founder, CEO

Over 17 years of scientific research, business and management consulting experience. She worked on intein technologies at Princeton University. She is known for her leadership roles resulting in international business expansion, product innovation & launch, international operations redesigning with significant cost reduction and increase of productivity. 

David W. Wood, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, CSO 

Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at OSU with over 25 years of experience in the development of intein-based biotechnologies plus bioprocess experience at Amgen and BMS. Recognized expert in protein purification by top decision makers in several U.S. biotech and biopharmaceutical companies.
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